Livewire is not defined

When you encounter the error message “livewire is not defined” in your web application, it typically indicates that the Livewire JavaScript library has not been properly included or loaded.

Livewire is a dynamic web framework that allows you to build interactive user interfaces in Laravel using server-side rendering. In order to use Livewire, you need to ensure that you have included the required JavaScript files and dependencies.

Here is an example of how you can include the necessary Livewire files in your HTML document:

    <!-- Include the Livewire JavaScript library -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Your application content goes here -->
    <div id="app">
      <!-- Livewire components will be rendered here -->
    <!-- Initialize Livewire -->

In the above example, we first include the Livewire JavaScript library using a script tag with the src attribute pointing to the Livewire CDN. This will fetch the latest version of the library.

Next, we define a div with the id “app”. This is where the Livewire components will be rendered. You can add and configure your Livewire components within this div.

Finally, we initialize Livewire by calling the Livewire.start() function. This will set up the necessary event listeners and start the Livewire framework, allowing your components to function correctly.

Make sure that you include the Livewire JavaScript library before initializing Livewire, as shown in the example. Failure to do so may result in the “livewire is not defined” error.

By following these steps and including the Livewire JavaScript library correctly, you should be able to resolve the “livewire is not defined” error and successfully use Livewire in your web application.

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