[Answered ]-Linkedin language code change


Solved this by using a different method – not JavaScript.


Probably you need to quote the strings you’re comparing to, for example:

language_code_value == ru

should be

language_code_value == "ru"

otherwise the comparison will be looking for a variable named ru to compare to.

There are a few additional issues to address in making this conversion:

  • Having an if condition test for every language you’ll want to deal with is quickly going to become unwieldy and error prone.

  • This mapping is taking a language code ru and mapping to a code representing and language and a country ru_RU. This involves making an assumption that somebody speaking a certain language is in a certain country, which is not generally correct. Many languages are spoken in multiple countries with different conventions in each.

It might be worth your while to dig a little deeper to find a better way of doing this. This will likely result in less effort and a more correct solution.

I’m sorry, I don’t know Django so I can’t point you in the right direction, but you might want to explore whether it, or a third party package, can return you the correct IETF language tag directly.


You’re also going to have problems with:

var language_code_value = "{{ user.get_profile.language_preference }}";

language_code_value is going to have the literal string value {{ user.get_profile.language_preference }} which is never going to compare equal to the two digit language codes you want to compare it to.

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