Laravel Set Session Expire Time Dynamically

Setting Session Expire Time Dynamically in Laravel:

In Laravel, you can set the session expire time dynamically by modifying the “lifetime” value in the session configuration file. Normally, the lifetime value is defined in the “config/session.php” file as a fixed number of minutes.

To set the session expire time dynamically, you can modify the “lifetime” value at runtime using the “config” helper function provided by Laravel.

Here’s an example of how you can set the session expire time dynamically:


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;

// Get the desired session expire time in minutes
$expireTimeInMinutes = 60; // Change this value according to your requirement

// Set the new session lifetime value
Config::set('session.lifetime', $expireTimeInMinutes);

// Retrieve the current session lifetime value
$currentLifetime = config('session.lifetime');

// Output the new session lifetime value
echo "New session lifetime: " . $currentLifetime . " minutes";


In this example, we first use the “use” statement to import the “Config” facade, which allows us to modify the session configuration dynamically.

Next, we define the desired session expire time in minutes. In this case, we have set it to 60 minutes, but you can change it according to your specific requirements.

We then use the “Config::set()” method to update the “lifetime” value in the session configuration file with the new value we defined.

After that, we retrieve the current session lifetime value using the “config()” helper function and store it in the “$currentLifetime” variable.

Finally, we output the new session lifetime value to verify that it has been updated correctly.

This dynamic session expire time setting can be useful in various scenarios, such as setting different session timeout values for different user roles, or adjusting the session expire time based on specific conditions or user activity.

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