In your Games model you need write something like this:
public function images()
return $this->hasMany('App\Images', 'imageable_id', 'id')
And when you take your games:
return Games::select()
If someone happens to find this, this is what I ended up having to do. I am using Laravel 5.3:
/*Game Model*/
public function images()
return $this->morphMany('App\Image', 'imageable');
/*Image Model*/
public function imageable()
return $this->morphTo();
/*Games Controller*/
public function index()
$games = Game::with('images')->get();
return $games;
Here is the JSON it returns:
id: 1,
title: "As she said to.",
slug: "as-she-said-to",
description: "Consequatur at qui iusto.",
created_at: "2016-09-29 12:04:36",
updated_at: "2016-09-29 12:04:36",
images: [
id: 1,
url: "http://www.mobygames.com/images/covers/l/281002-rayman-legends-xbox-one-front-cover.png",
imageable_id: 1,
imageable_type: "App\Game",
created_at: "2016-09-29 12:04:36",
updated_at: "2016-09-29 12:04:36"
Then in my Vue.js front-end:
<img v-bind:src="game.images[0].url" class="img-responsive"/>