Laravel Public Css Not Found

Laravel Public CSS Not Found

When encountering the issue of “Laravel public CSS not found”, it means that the CSS files or assets being referenced in your Laravel application are not being found or loaded properly.

Possible Causes

There are a few possible causes for this issue:

  • Incorrect file path or URL
  • Improper configuration of asset pipeline
  • Missing or incorrect permissions on the public directory


1. Check File Paths and URLs

Ensure that the file paths and URLs used for referencing your CSS files are correct. In Laravel, the CSS files are typically stored in the “public” directory. For example, if you have a file named “styles.css” located in the “public/css” directory, you would reference it in your HTML using the following URL:

<link href="/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet">

2. Configure Asset Pipeline

If you are using a build system or asset pipeline (such as Laravel Mix or Webpack) to compile your CSS files, make sure that it is properly configured. Check the webpack.mix.js file (for Laravel Mix) or the webpack.config.js file (for Webpack) to ensure that the CSS files are being correctly processed and outputted to the correct directory.

3. Check File Permissions

Verify that the public directory and its contents have the correct file permissions. In most cases, the public directory should have read and execute permissions for the web server. You can check and update the permissions using the following command:

chmod -R 755 public


Here’s an example scenario:

You have a CSS file named “styles.css” located in the “public/css” directory of your Laravel application. To include this CSS file in your HTML, use the following code:

<link href="/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet">

Make sure that the file path matches the actual location of the file in your file system. Also, verify that the public directory has the correct permissions.

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