Laravel Override Vendor Class

Laravel: Override Vendor Class

Laravel provides a convenient way to override vendor classes without directly modifying the original files. This allows you to customize the functionality of vendor classes while keeping your changes separate and maintainable.

To override a vendor class in Laravel, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new class that extends the vendor class you want to override.
  2. Add your custom code and modifications to the new class.
  3. Register your new class as a replacement for the original class in Laravel’s service container.

Here’s an example of how you can override a vendor class in Laravel:

    // Step 1: Create a new class that extends the vendor class
    namespace App\Overrides;
    use Vendor\Package\VendorClass;
    class MyVendorClass extends VendorClass
        // Add your custom code and modifications here
    // Step 2: Register your new class in Laravel's service container
    // Add this code to the "register" method of a service provider or in a service provider's boot method
    $this->app->bind(VendorClass::class, MyVendorClass::class);

In the above example, we created a new class “MyVendorClass” in the “App\Overrides” namespace that extends the original “VendorClass” from the vendor package. We can then add our custom code and modifications to this new class.

In step 2, we register our new class “MyVendorClass” as a replacement for the original “VendorClass” in Laravel’s service container. This means that whenever Laravel needs to resolve an instance of “VendorClass”, it will use our custom class instead.

By following this approach, we can easily override vendor classes in Laravel while keeping our changes isolated and organized.

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