Laravel Change Config Value Runtime

Laravel Change Config Value at Runtime

To change a Laravel config value at runtime, you can use the Config facade provided by Laravel. The Config facade allows you to get and set configuration values dynamically.

Here’s an example of how you can change a config value at runtime in Laravel:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;

// Get the current value
$currentValue = Config::get('app.timezone');

// Change the value
Config::set('app.timezone', 'Europe/Paris');

In the example above, we first retrieve the current value of ‘app.timezone’ using the Config::get method. Next, we use the Config::set method to change the value to ‘Europe/Paris’.

It’s worth noting that the changes made with the Config::set method are only valid for the current request. If you want to persist the changes across multiple requests, you should consider updating the configuration file itself.

After setting the configuration value, you can use it in your application by retrieving it using the Config::get method again:

$newValue = Config::get('app.timezone');
echo $newValue; // Output: Europe/Paris

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