[Vuejs]-Laravel Bootstrap scaffolding to VUE scaffolding – how to?


Short answer, Yes it is safe

You can have an existing scaffolded project with Bootstrap and install vue scaffolding (even with auth) and compile and run safely because Vue scaffolding includes Twitter Bootstrap library by default in bootstrap.js

try {
    window.Popper = require('popper.js').default;
    window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery');

} catch (e) {}

And all authentication and layout views are designed with the TWBS classes

Pro Tip

If you want to test things on important project without messing things out, you can create a new git branch

git branch testing-vue-scaffolding
git checkout testing-vue-scaffolding

And tinker around however you like, and revert back the changes if they got messed up

I have two cool shell aliases to do this quickly

alias nah="git clean -df && git checkout -- . && git reset --hard HEAD"
alias wip="git add . && git commit -s -S -m 'Work In Progress' -m 'This is a trash commit to save changes'"

Save the changes with wip and whenever you feel things are messed up, just run nah to go back

Hope this helps

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