Laravel Blade Component Props Array

In Laravel’s Blade component system, you can pass data to a component using props. These props can be in the form of arrays, allowing you to pass multiple values to a component in a structured way. To explain this further, let’s use an example.

<!-- app/View/Components/ExampleComponent.blade.php -->
    <h2>{{ $title }}</h2>
        @foreach($items as $item)
            <li>{{ $item }}</li>

In this example, we have a component called “ExampleComponent” which receives two props – “title” and “items”. The title prop will be used as the heading of the component, while the items prop will be displayed as a list.

<!-- app/View/Welcome.blade.php -->
    title="Example Component" 
    :items="[ 'Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3' ]"

Now, in our main Blade view file (e.g., Welcome.blade.php), we can use the “ExampleComponent” and pass the necessary props. In the example above, we are passing the title as “Example Component” and an array of items.

The ExampleComponent blade file will receive these props and render the HTML accordingly. The $title variable will be replaced with “Example Component” within an h2 tag, and the $items variable will be looped through to create an unordered list.

This is just a basic example of using props arrays in Laravel Blade components. You can pass any type of data as props, including other Blade components or even database queries. Props arrays provide a convenient way to structure and pass multiple values to components, making your code more organized and maintainable.

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