Laravel 404 Not Found Cpanel

When encountering a Laravel 404 Not Found error in cPanel, it typically means that the requested resource or URL does not exist. This could be due to various reasons such as incorrect routing configurations or missing files.

To troubleshoot and potentially resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the URL and Routes: Make sure the URL you are trying to access is correct and corresponds to a defined route in your Laravel application. Check the routes/web.php file for the correct route definitions. For example, if you are trying to access, ensure that there is a corresponding route for this URL.
  2. Clear the Route Cache: In some cases, the route cache might be causing conflicts. You can clear the route cache by running the following command in your cPanel terminal or SSH:
    php artisan route:clear
  3. Check File Permissions: Ensure that the necessary files and directories have correct read and write permissions. The Laravel application files should typically have the required permissions for the webserver to access them.
  4. Check the .htaccess file: If you are using Apache as the webserver, verify that the .htaccess file exists in the root directory of your Laravel application. This file contains the necessary rewrite rules for routing requests correctly. Ensure that the file is intact and has not been modified or deleted accidentally.
  5. Check the Server Configuration: It’s possible that the server configuration in cPanel is not correctly set up for your Laravel application. Make sure that the document root is pointing to the correct directory where the Laravel application is located.

By following these troubleshooting steps and ensuring that your Laravel application is properly set up in cPanel, you should be able to resolve the 404 Not Found error.

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