Laravel 302 Redirect Post

When using Laravel’s `Redirect` class to perform a 302 redirect, you can also specify the HTTP verb as an additional parameter. This allows you to perform the redirect as a POST request instead of the default GET request.

    // Example 1: Redirect a POST request
    return Redirect::to('/new-url', 302, [], true);

    // Example 2: Redirect a POST request with data
    return Redirect::to('/new-url', 302, ['name' => 'John', 'age' => 30], true);

In the above examples, `Redirect::to()` is used to perform the redirect. The first parameter specifies the target URL, the second parameter specifies the HTTP status code (302 for a temporary redirect), the third parameter allows you to pass additional headers, and the fourth parameter determines whether the redirect should retain the original request method (true for a POST request).

By setting the fourth parameter to `true`, the redirect will carry the request method to the new URL, allowing you to handle it correctly on the server-side. This is useful in scenarios where you want to redirect to a different endpoint and still treat it as a POST request.

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