Koinapplication has not been started

The error message “koinapplication has not been started” generally occurs when using the Kotlin dependency injection library called Koin. This error message suggests that the Koin application has not been properly initialized before attempting to use it.

To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the Koin application is properly started before accessing its components. This involves initializing the Koin application using the `startKoin` function in your code. Here’s an example of how to do it:

import org.koin.core.context.startKoin
import org.koin.dsl.module

val myModule = module {
  // Define your dependencies here

fun main() {
  // Start the Koin application
  startKoin {

  // Now you can access your dependencies
  val myDependency = get()
  // ...

In the above example, we first define a Koin module (`myModule`) where you can declare your dependencies. Then, in the `main` function or any other appropriate place, you call the `startKoin` function and provide your module(s) as a parameter. This ensures that the Koin application is properly initialized.

Once the Koin application is started, you can use the `get` function to retrieve your dependencies. Make sure that you have properly imported the required Koin classes (e.g., `import org.koin.core.context.startKoin`) to avoid any compilation errors.

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