Keyerror: ‘video_fps’

Error: KeyError – ‘video_fps’

A KeyError with the message ‘video_fps’ indicates that the key ‘video_fps’ is not found in a dictionary or a similar data structure. This error occurs when you try to access a value using a key that does not exist in the structure. Here is an explanation of the error and an example to illustrate it.


In Python, dictionaries are data structures that store key-value pairs. Each key in a dictionary must be unique. When you try to access a value using a key that is not present in the dictionary, a KeyError will be raised.

In the case of the ‘video_fps’ key, it means that you are trying to access the value associated with this key, but it is not present in the dictionary. This could be due to a typo in the key, or the key not being added to the dictionary at all.


# Create a dictionary
video_info = {'video_resolution': '1080p', 'video_duration': '2h 30m'}

# Try to access the value of 'video_fps'
fps = video_info['video_fps']  # KeyError: 'video_fps'

In the given example, we have a dictionary ‘video_info’ that contains information about a video. However, the key ‘video_fps’ is not present in the dictionary. When we try to access the value of ‘video_fps’ using video_info[‘video_fps’], a KeyError is raised since the key does not exist.


To resolve this error, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the key you are trying to access is spelled correctly and matches the case sensitivity of the keys in the dictionary.
  2. Check if the key is present in the dictionary before accessing its value. You can use the ‘in’ operator or the get() method to safely access the value. For example:
# Using 'in' operator
if 'video_fps' in video_info:
    fps = video_info['video_fps']
    fps = None

# Using get() method
fps = video_info.get('video_fps')  # fps will be None if 'video_fps' key does not exist

By checking if the key exists in the dictionary, you can handle the case where the key is not found and avoid the KeyError.

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