[Django]-Just upgraded to Django 1.4 and getting error with messages


Django introduced a messages app in 1.2 (release notes), and deprecated the old user messages API.

In Django 1.4, the old message_set API has been removed completely, so you’ll have to update your code. If you follow the messages docs, you should find it pretty straight forward.



from django.contrib import messages

And then

def foo(request):
    messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, "Your message.")


What is in your INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.py?

Do you have 'django.contrib.messages', included there?

Something like:



From Django 1.4 docs
To enable message functionality, in settings.py do the following:

Edit the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting and make sure it contains


If you are using a storage backend that relies on sessions (the default), django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware must be enabled and appear before MessageMiddleware in your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.

Edit the TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting and make sure it contains


Add 'django.contrib.messages' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting

As far as django-avatar is concerned. Use the master files found here: https://github.com/chadpaulson/django-avatar/tree/master/avatar

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