[Vuejs]-JS File using laravel inertia.js with vue.js3 template not working


I have solution to this, so rather than adding the js and css in the app.blade.php file, move asset folder resources folder.

Import the all css file in app.css like as

@import '../assets/css/dashlite.css?ver=3.1.1';
@import '../assets/css/theme.css?ver=3.1.1';

same import the all js file in app.js like as


Now in app.blade.php add css and js inside the vite directive

 @vite(['resources/js/app.js', 'resources/css/app.css', 

May this will help you. Happy coding


Try Vuejs themes. I was having same problem, but I changed to Vueja themes, try admin one inertia theme

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