[Vuejs]-Javascript get the next object from an array of objects based on a propery value


What is a.index? Do you mean the array index?

I think you just want to find the index of the item in the array, then take the object at the next index:

nextOrder() {
  const index = this.orders.findIndex(order => order.order_id === 234)
  if (index === -1 || index === this.orders.length - 1) {
    // No such order or no next order
    return null

  return this.orders[index + 1]

The previous order is at index index - 1 and the next order is at index index + 1. To check if either order exists, you just need to check that the index is within the bounds of the array. An index i is within the bounds of the array as long as 0 <= i <= (orders.length - 1).

The previous order exists if index - 1 >= 0 (cannot be negative index) and index - 1 <= array.length - 1 (cannot be greater than the last index of the array).


You can simply use findIndex

let arr = [{order_id: 234, text: 'foo'},{ order_id: 567, text: 'bar'}]

let findNextOrder = (id) => {
  let index = arr.findIndex(({ order_id }) => order_id === id)
  return index > -1 && index < arr.length - 1 ? arr[index + 1] : undefined


You don’t need sort based on your comment on question, also there’s no property named index on your object.


Try the following code,

        let id = 234; // your id
        let index = this.orders.findIndex(order => order.some_id === id);
        console.log(this.orders[index + 1]); // give you the next object

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