[Vuejs]-JavaScript can we carry what should be inside then() into method with parameters and call it



No, then has two parameters so you would need to create two functions:

function successCallback(commit, name) {
    return response => {
        commit(name, response)
        return Promise.resolve(response);
function failureCallback(commit, name) {
    return error => {
        return Promise.reject(error);

Then call them like

login({ commit }, user) {
    return AuthService.login(user).then(successCallback(commit, 'loginSuccess'), failureCallback(commit, 'loginFailure'));
register({ commit }, user) {
    return AuthService.register(user).then(successCallback(commit, 'registerSuccess'), failureCallback(commit, 'registerFailure'));

To make a single helper, you should either wrap the whole then callback

function handle(commit, name, promise) {
    return promise.then(successCallback(commit, name+'Success'), failureCallback(commit, name+'Failure');

login({ commit }, user) {
    return handle(commit, 'login', AuthService.login(user));
register({ commit }, user) {
    return handle(commit, 'register', AuthService.register(user));

or use spread syntax in the call, and return a tuple from the helper:

function handleCallbacks(commit, name) {
    return [successCallback(commit, name+'Success'), failureCallback(commit, name+'Failure')];

login({ commit }, user) {
    return AuthService.login(user).then(...handleCallbacks(commit, 'login'));
register({ commit }, user) {
    return AuthService.register(user).then(...handleCallbacks(commit, 'register'));

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