Java.lang.nosuchmethoderror: ‘, java.lang.object, java.lang.object, java.lang.object, java.lang.object, java.lang.object, java.lang.object, java.lang.object, java.lang.object, java.lang.object, java.lang.object, java.lang.object)’

      <!DOCTYPE html>
          <title>NoSuchMethodError Example</title>
            <h1>NoSuchMethodError Example</h1>
            <p>The java.lang.NoSuchMethodError is thrown when a code tries to call a method that does not exist.</p>
            <p>In this specific case, the error is occurring due to the absence of the method '' with the provided arguments.</p>
            <p>The method '' is available in the Guava library and is used to create an ImmutableMap object. However, the method being called with the provided arguments is not found in the library.</p>
            <p>To resolve this error, make sure that you are using the correct version of the Guava library that includes the required method. You can also check if the method name or arguments are correct and match the available methods in the library.</p>
            <p>Here is an example illustrating the error:</p>
                public class Main {
                    public static void main(String[] args) {
                        // Creating an ImmutableMap using the missing method
                        ImmutableMap<String, Integer> map = ImmutableMap.of(
                            "key1", 1,
                            "key2", 2,
                            "key3", 3,
                            "key4", 4,
                            "key5", 5,
                            "key6", 6,
                            "key7", 7,
                            "key8", 8,
                            "key9", 9,
                            "key10", 10,
                            "key11", 11
                        // Performing some operations on the map
                        System.out.println("Size of map: " + map.size());
                        System.out.println("Value of key9: " + map.get("key9"));
                        System.out.println("Value of key12: " + map.get("key12"));
            <p>In this example, the code tries to create an ImmutableMap using the 'ImmutableMap.of()' method from the Guava library. However, the method being called with 11 arguments is not found, causing a NoSuchMethodError.</p>

1. The provided HTML code demonstrates an error known as “java.lang.NoSuchMethodError”.
2. This error occurs when a code attempts to call a method that does not exist.
3. In this specific scenario, the error is caused by the absence of the method ‘’ with the given arguments.
4. The method ‘’ is typically available in the Guava library and is used to create an ImmutableMap object.
5. However, in this case, the method with the provided arguments cannot be found, leading to the NoSuchMethodError.
6. The solution to this error involves ensuring that the correct version of the Guava library, containing the required method, is utilized.
7. Additionally, it is essential to verify whether the method name and arguments are accurate and match the available methods in the library.
8. The given example presents the error scenario by attempting to create an ImmutableMap using the missing method.
9. The code results in a NoSuchMethodError as the ‘ImmutableMap.of()’ method with 11 arguments is not found in the Guava library.
10. The example code further demonstrates some basic operations on the intended ImmutableMap, such as retrieving values based on keys.
11. By adhering to the recommended resolutions mentioned earlier, one can resolve and prevent these NoSuchMethodErrors.

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