Java.lang.illegalargumentexception: ‘producer’ type is unknown to reactiveadapterregistry

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ‘producer’ type is unknown to ReactiveAdapterRegistry

The java.lang.IllegalArgumentException with the message ‘producer’ type is unknown to ReactiveAdapterRegistry is thrown when calling a method that expects a reactive type (such as a Mono or Flux) but the specified ‘producer’ type is not recognized by the ReactiveAdapterRegistry.

The ReactiveAdapterRegistry is a central component in reactive programming libraries/frameworks (e.g., Reactor, RxJava) that provides a way for different reactive types to be adapted to the common APIs defined by the library. The registry maps different types to their corresponding adapters, allowing users to work with different reactive types transparently.


Let’s assume you are using Reactor (a popular reactive library for Java) and you have the following code:

import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

public class Main {
    private static Mono<String> createMono() {
        return Mono.just("Hello, World!");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Calling a method that expects a Flux

In the above example, the createMono() method returns a Mono, which is a reactive type in Reactor. However, when calling the method flux() on the Mono to convert it into a Flux, the IllegalArgumentException would be thrown with the message ‘producer’ type is unknown to ReactiveAdapterRegistry.

This error occurs because the ReactiveAdapterRegistry in Reactor does not recognize the ‘producer’ type returned by the createMono() method. Most likely, this is because the method is not returning a reactive type recognized by Reactor.


To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that you are returning a reactive type recognized by the reactive library you are using. In the above example, you can fix the issue by modifying the createMono() method to return a Mono instead of a non-reactive type:

import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

public class Main {
    private static Mono<String> createMono() {
        return Mono.just("Hello, World!");

    public static void main(String[] args) {

In this updated example, the createMono() method now returns a Mono<String>, which is a reactive type recognized by Reactor. Therefore, when calling the subscribe() method on the Mono, the code will execute without throwing the IllegalArgumentException.

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