You could consider using re.sub
import re
REPLACEMENTS = dict([('find1', 'replace1'),
('find2', 'replace2'),
('find3', 'replace3')])
def replacer(m):
return REPLACEMENTS[m.group(0)]
x = 'find1, find2, find3'
r = re.compile('|'.join(REPLACEMENTS.keys()))
print r.sub(replacer, x)
A couple notes:
- The boilerplate argument about premature optimization, benchmarking, bottlenecks, 100 is small, etc.
- There are cases where the different solutions will return different results. if
y = [('one', 'two'), ('two', 'three')]
andx = 'one'
then mhawke’s solution gives you'two'
and Unknown’s gives'three'
. - Testing this out in a silly contrived example mhawke’s solution was a tiny bit faster. It should be easy to try it with your data though.
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x = 'find1, find2, find3'
y = [('find1', 'replace1'), ('find2', 'replace2'), ('find3', 'replace3')]
def processThis(str,lst):
for find, replace in lst:
str = str.replace(find, replace)
return str
>>> processThis(x,y)
'replace1, replace2, replace3'
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Same answer as mhawke, enclosed with method str_replace
def str_replace(data, search_n_replace_dict):
import re
REPLACEMENTS = search_n_replace_dict
def replacer(m):
return REPLACEMENTS[m.group(0)]
r = re.compile('|'.join(REPLACEMENTS.keys()))
return r.sub(replacer, data)
Then we can call this method with example as below
s = "abcd abcd efgh efgh;;;;;; lkmnkd kkkkk"
d = dict({ 'abcd' : 'aaaa', 'efgh' : 'eeee', 'mnkd' : 'mmmm' })
print (s)
print ("\n")
print(str_replace(s, d))
output :
abcd abcd efgh efgh;;;;;; lkmnkd kkkkk
aaaa aaaa eeee eeee;;;;;; lkmmmm kkkkk
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