[Vuejs]-Is there a way to successful integrate Vue Storefront Nuxt with Algolia Search Routing in SSR?


Okee this has something to do with the nuxt comp passing the route <nuxt :key="$route.fullPath"/>

I was able to bypass it by doing this in the default template

    <div v-if="String($route.name) === 'Search___en'"><search/></div>
    <div v-else ><nuxt :key="$route.fullPath"/></div>

Basically bypassing the comp with the key which was triggering a re-render because it uses the router under the hood… I’m guessing.

This is what eventually allowed me to use the integration code effectively: https://github.com/ed42311/algolia-vsf-routes/blob/main/layouts/default.vue#L11

While this solution works, Other suggestions are appreciated.

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