will not add escape characters. Your text input must have already been escaped; The source that provides the property has already escaped the text before it is sent in as a property.
You need to fix that before the value is sent in, or by unescaping in your consuming component by adding a computed property, or creating a filter.
See this pen. https://codepen.io/Flamenco/pen/xovKLq
<div v-html='message'></div>
<div v-html='message2'></div>
<div v-html='message3'></div>
<div v-html='computed3'></div>
data: () => ({
message: "Hello \"World\"",
message2: `Hello \"World\"`,
message3: 'Hello \\"World\\"', // this one is your property.
computed: {
computed3() {
return this.message3.replace(/\\"/g, '"');
I recommend dealing with this by fixing the source though…
you can use innerText or :innerText on your div like so
<div innerText="String with </> which won't be interpreted" />
<!-- specialText: 'String with </> which won't be interpreted', -->
<div :innerText="specialText" />
If you know that you will need special characters at the beginning or the end of the sentence, you can use ::before or ::after, special characters won’t be interpreted either.
nav a::before {
content: '<';
nav a::after {
content: '/>';