As I know it, you define your Django view using a number of methods like:
def detail(request, some_param):
# [...]
The parameter request
contains information about the HTTP request. request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']
for example, returns the client’s IP address.
If your plugin has something to do with requests, its classes and function probably will be instantiated/called from your view. This means you need to pass it the current request
object, as it makes no sense to have a global request object around.
In PHP, this is possible, as every request causes the whole code to be executed from scratch, but in Django requests are dispatched by a server and passed around in the framework using HttpRequest
objects. Also refer to this part of the Django documentation for more information.
Django doesn’t provide a global request object (it would actually be a thread local, not a global). But there are a few techniques you can use to get the same effect yourself: http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201008/global_django_requests.html
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AFAIK it is not available, except you make it available.
You can copy+paste the snippets provided in the other answers, or you can use this library: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-crequest
Middleware to make current request always available.
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you can attach it to current request via middleware and retrieve it back
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Based on Ned Batchelder’s reply I’ve compiled a solution. Although I wouldn’t recommend it for anything but debugging/troubleshooting. There’s a better solution on the linked page.
Put module m1
at a project root:
import inspect
def get_request():
for f in inspect.stack():
f_code = inspect.getmembers(f.frame, inspect.iscode)[0][1]
f_locals = [v for (n, v) in inspect.getmembers(f.frame) if n == 'f_locals'][0]
co_varnames = [v for (n, v) in inspect.getmembers(f_code) if n == 'co_varnames'][0]
if 'request' in co_varnames:
return f_locals['request']
Then in any other file:
import m1
You might want to make sure you don’t introduce reference cycles. I haven’t understood under which particular conditions I must do what exactly. Not that it matters in my case. But your mileage might vary.
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One solution is django-middleware-global-request
It provides a way to get the request from anywhere once the request has been constructed by Django in the first place. It returns None
if no request object is available, for example when running in a manage.py shell
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