I have done a similar set-up with this although I haven’t gotten to a deeper sub-domain.
The first thing you need to do is configure the tld and wildcard sub-domain to your application, so whatever subdomain you hit, you should always see the index content.
The first setup for this is to set SESSION_DOMAIN
in laravel .env
to something like .whatever.com
Then the next thing you have to do is to make sure your application uses JWT Authentication https://github.com/tymondesigns/jwt-auth
and when you save the token on your user browser, you need to set the domain same as your SESSION_DOMAIN
I grab the tld no matter what subdomain they try to log-in
const tld = (() => {
const host = window.location.host, subs = host.split('.')
if ( subs.length > 2 )
return host.replace(/^[^.]+\./g, "")
return host
then I added .
in-front of the tld on domain cookies that holds the token
Cookies.set('token', token, { expires: remember ? 365 : null, domain: `.${tld}` })
so if you go to Application tab from dev toolbar, then under cookies on your app, the domain should be .whatever.com
and if you jump from one sub-domain to another you should still be authenticated
Also, regarding with your setup, I think you are just over-using a subdomain in your initial plan.
You can just simply create a table for STORE which holds all different store then add a column for slug
. then just create one-to-many or many-to-many relationship for other stuff like store owner from users table, store products from products table etc, so you store table should just look like
id | name | slug
1 | My Store | store1
Then on the front-end, you would grab the slug of the sub-domain and request a query with matching store slug
to your API end-point, you only need one structure for your end-point, you don’t need to have each store have their own api end-point, you just need to include the store slug every time you hit your end-point which are store specific request, so if you hit store1.whatever.com, all your query should pull everything related to a store with slug store1
Additionally, you don’t need to use a sub-domain for admin and api end-point, try looking for a Vue+Laravel template, like this one below which has a lot of features like vue routing, vuex and templating which I think is very suitable for your set-up https://github.com/cretueusebiu/laravel-vue-spa
Then the way you should handle it is much better to be something like this
Front-end -> store1.whatever.com
Admin -> store1.whatever.com/admin/
API end-point -> whatever.com/api/