Invariant violation: requirenativecomponent: “rnsscreen” was not found in the uimanager

The error “invariant violation: requirenativecomponent: ‘rnsscreen’ was not found in the uimanager” occurs when React Native cannot find the required native component ‘rnsscreen’ in the UIManager. This error typically occurs when there is a mismatch between the versions of React Native and the libraries being used in the project.

To fix this issue, you need to ensure that you have the correct version of the ‘rnsscreen’ library installed in your project. Additionally, you may need to update or install other dependencies to their compatible versions. Here are a few steps you can follow to resolve this problem:

  1. Check package.json file: Open the package.json file in your project’s root folder and verify the version of the ‘rnsscreen’ library. Make sure it matches the React Native version you are using.
  2. Install or update ‘rnsscreen’: If the ‘rnsscreen’ library is not already installed or its version is outdated, you can install or update it using a package manager like npm or yarn. For example, to install the latest version of ‘rnsscreen’ using npm, you can run the following command in your project’s root folder:

            npm install react-native-screens

    Make sure to follow the installation instructions specific to your library and the React Native version you are using.

  3. Clear cache and rebuild: Sometimes the error can be caused by cached data or conflicting builds. Try clearing the Metro bundler cache by running the following command:

            npx react-native start --reset-cache

    Additionally, you might need to rebuild your project by running:

            npx react-native run-android


            npx react-native run-ios

After following these steps, the error should be resolved, and the ‘rnsscreen’ component should be found by the UIManager. It’s important to ensure that all your libraries and dependencies are compatible with your React Native version to avoid such errors.

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