Invariant violation: requirenativecomponent: “rngesturehandlerrootview” was not found in the uimanager.

Here is an example of how to format the answer as HTML content in a div element:


Query: invariant violation

The error message “invariant violation: requirenativecomponent: ‘rngesturehandlerrootview’ was not found in the uimanager” often occurs in React Native projects. It indicates that a required native component called ‘RNGestureHandlerRootView’ is missing or not properly registered in the UIManager.

This issue commonly happens when your React Native project depends on third-party libraries or modules that utilize ‘RNGestureHandlerRootView’, such as libraries for handling gestures or navigation.

To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the required dependencies are installed properly for the library or module causing the error.
  2. Make sure you have executed the necessary setup steps for the library/module, such as linking native code or modifying project configuration files.
  3. If the error persists, try cleaning the build artifacts and recompiling the project:
          $ cd your_project_directory/android
          $ ./gradlew clean
          $ cd ../ios
          $ rm -rf build/ Pods/
          $ pod install
  5. If all else fails, consider checking the React Native version compatibility with the library/module being used. It’s possible that the library/module hasn’t been updated to work with your React Native version.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the ‘RNGestureHandlerRootView’ missing error in your React Native project.


In this example, the content is structured within a `

` element. It includes an `

` heading for the query, several `

` paragraphs explaining the issue and potential solutions, an ordered list `

    ` with step-by-step instructions, and a closing `

    ` tag.

    Please note that the absence of ``, `

    `, and `` tags is due to the content being isolated within a `

    ` and not part of a complete HTML page.

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