An invalid argument for the “-t, –tag” flag means that the reference format provided is not valid. It seems that the format you used for referencing is incorrect. To understand this error better, let’s look at some examples.
Example 1:
Suppose you wanted to reference a CSS class called “myClass”. The correct format for referencing a class in the “-t, –tag” flag would be using a dot notation like this: -t .myClass
your-command -t .myClass
Example 2:
If you are trying to reference an HTML tag, such as “div”, the correct format would be using an angle bracket notation like this: -t <div>
your-command -t <div>
It’s important to follow the correct formatting for referencing classes or HTML tags when using the “-t, –tag” flag. Make sure to include the dot notation for classes and the angle bracket notation for HTML tags to avoid the “invalid argument” error.