I have found the answer to my specific question. Instead of creating a sub directory create a sub domain for example, myproj.mysite.com and point it to the sub directory.
Keep everything else as it is (as shown in the guide) and it works.
Thanks both of you for taking time to help me out!
Take a look to this answer. I think that you have to specify to your django application that it must expect the “subdirectory” in the URL.
From the alex vasi response (copy&paste):
Things to try:
Change current domain to “yourdomain.tld/cflow” in the “sites” framework. It’s easy to do using django admin or dumpdata/loaddata
manage.py commands.Looks like your site is using login_required decorator. In that particular case you can add to settings.py:
LOGIN_URL = ‘/cflow/accounts/login/’
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