tar -pczf yourfile.tar.gz MyProject
scp -i /home/user/.cert/yourcert.pem yourfile.tar.gz user@serveripaddress:/home/user
tar -xvf /home/user/yourfile.tar
I usually simply scp -R my whole site directory into /home/bitnami of my AMI. I’m using Apache/NGINX/Django with mod_wsgi. So the directory (for example /home/bitnami/djangosites/) gets referred to based on my mod_wsgi path in my apache cfg file.
In other words, why not just move the whole directory recursively (scp -R) instead of making a tarball etc?
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Directly copy the folder where your project resides may work. However you mention that you are using a BitNami image, so it is likely that you are using the BitNami Django Stack Amazon image. BitNami also provides a native version of the BitNami Django Stack so I would suggest that you first try to deploy your application on top of the native installer and see what exact steps you need to follow. For instance you may need to install python dependencies or if you plan to use Apache on production instead of the Django development server you will need to configure Apache to serve your project. I’m a BitNami developer and I mention this because make easier the deployment in different platforms (including ec2) is one of the goal of BitNami and as you are already using it you can take advantage of this.