based on the documentation, there’s a custom data rendering for b-table
. there will be 2 available options for this.
- use templating for generating the table
<b-table :fields="fields" :items="items">
<!-- this is only for generating progress -->
<template v-slot:cell(progress)="data">
<b-progress max="100" class="mb-3">
<b-progress-bar variant="primary" :value="data.value"></b-progress-bar>
<!-- for default value -->
<template v-slot:cell()="data">
<i>{{ data.value }}</i>
approach. (not recommended, because it only supports raw HTML content)
<b-table :items="items">
<template v-slot:cell(html)="data">
<span v-html="data.value"></span>
data: () = ({
items: [
text: 'This is <i>escaped</i> content',
html: '<div class="progress"><div role="progressbar" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="45" class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated" style="width: 45%;">45</div></div>'