Input of anonymous composite types is not implemented

Query: Input of anonymous composite types is not implemented


Anonymous composite types refer to data types that do not have a specific name or identifier. In some programming languages or database systems, it is possible to define custom composite types with named fields, but anonymous composite types do not have specific names.

When it is mentioned that input of anonymous composite types is not implemented, it means that the programming language or database system does not have a mechanism to directly accept or handle input for these types. This could be due to various reasons, such as limitations in the language or system design choices.

In order to work with composite types, it is usually necessary to define them with named fields and use those fields to handle input and manipulation of the data. Here is an example of how composite types can be defined and used:

      -- Define a composite type with named fields
      CREATE TYPE person_type AS (
         first_name VARCHAR,
         last_name VARCHAR,
         age INT
      -- Declare variables of the composite type
         person1 person_type;
         person2 person_type;
      -- Assign values to the variables
      person1 := ('John', 'Doe', 30);
      person2 := ('Jane', 'Smith', 25);
      -- Access the fields of the variables
      SELECT person1.first_name, person1.age FROM person1;
      SELECT person2.last_name FROM person2;

In the example above, we define a composite type called “person_type” with three named fields: first_name, last_name, and age. We then declare two variables of this type and assign values to them. Finally, we can access the fields of the variables using dot notation.

Note that the above example assumes a hypothetical scenario and the syntax may differ based on the specific programming language or database system you are working with.

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