[Django]-Increase the performance in Django ORM


You can filter at the database side already. This will prevent making an extra query for the .prefetch_related(…) but will also limit the bandwidth used to transfer data:

from django.db.models import Count

contents = Content.objects.annotate(

This will thus obtain the 500 Contents with the highest primary key that have more than 24 likes.

You can for example filter the balance between likes and dislikes with:

from django.db.models import Count, Value
from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce

contents = Content.objects.annotate(
    nlikes=Coalesce(Count('likes', distinct=True), Value(0))-Coalesce(Count('dislikes', distinct=True), Value(0))

Here the distinct=True [Django-doc] is necessary, since there are two JOINs, and without a uniquness filter, the two aggregates would thus act as multipliers of each other.

That being said, I’m not sure if it is a good idea to have two related models for likes and dislikes. Why not make one model (like Thumb), with a value +1 for a like, and -1 for a dislike. It makes the modeling simpeler, since then you can use a Sum expression [Django-doc] instead.

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