As discussed in the comments, here is an example of how to reuse the result from your api endpoint in a normal Django view by using Django’s resolve
import json
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
from django.views.generic.base import View
class FooView(View):
def get(self, request):
# optional stuff in your view...
# Resolving another Django view programmatically
rev = '/path/to/api/endpoint/' # or use reverse()
view, vargs, vkwargs = resolve(rev)
vkwargs['request'] = request
res = view(*vargs, **vkwargs)
c = Context({
'data': json.dumps(res.data)
# Now the JSON serialized result from the API endpoint
# will be available in the template variable data.
return render(request, 'my-app/my-template.html', c)
var data = {{ data }};
Note 1: Instead of hardcoding the path in rev = '/path/to/api/endpoint/'
it is better to reverse()
the url, but I left it out to remove that as a source for errors. If you are going this direction, here is a list of the default url names provided by DRF
Note 2: The snippet would benefit from exception handling, like making sure that res
returned 200, has the data
property, etc.
Another way of doing this, which gets around rendering the view.
In your views.py;
class FooDetailView(DetailView):
model = Foo
template_name = 'foo/detail.html'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
bars = []
for bar in self.object.bars.all():
kwargs['bars'] = JSONRenderer().render(bars)
return super(FooDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
And in your template;
var bars = {{ bars|safe }};
It should really go without saying that you should pay attention to potential performance issues with this approach, ie.. perhaps it’s best to paginate bars
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