You can increment datetime
on the basis of given days using timedelta
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta #new
today = datetime.now()
print(f"Today's the date & Time is {today}")
month_later = today+ timedelta(days=MONTHLY_CYCLE)
three_months_later = today+ timedelta(days=QUA_CYCLE)
six_months_later = today+ timedelta(days=SIX_MONTH_CYCLE)
print(f"three_months_later's the date & Time is {month_later}")
print(f"three_months_later's the date & Time is {three_months_later}")
print(f"six_months_later's the date & Time is {six_months_later}")
customer = Customer.objects.get(pk=id) # Targeted Customer
selected_cycle = int(customer.billing_cycle) #return the value of billing_cycle selected from Customer
tentative_date = today+ timedelta(days=selected_cycle)
print(f"tentative_date Billing date & Time is {month_later}") # Required DAte.
This is how you can update the datetime
. rest you can implement as required.