You can run your script in celery task, so your web page won’t hang in there. You need to find a way to track your progress, either use database or do it in memory storage like redis. Then you can either poll the progress in your progress view or write some javascript to update the progress in the progress page.
and redis
are very commonly used in django development. Even if it’s not straight forward to setup, it’s still worth to invest the time.
There are two primary mainstream solutions to this problem. Those being Jobtastic, and channels.
The former, Jobtastic, is potentially more mature, as it has been around and developed for some time. It uses Celery, as suggested by @ShangWang, along with a jQuery plugin which periodically polls for the current status of the job. This is more of an “old” or “traditional” web approach to this sort of job.
The latter, Channels, is a much newer library, still in development. This library would allow you to use WebSockets, or similar technologies, in order to maintain long-lived connections over which you can continually push results to the end user. Despite its relative newness and potential immaturity, this may be a more appropriate direction to research. On Dec 10, the Mozilla Open Source Support award was given to Django. This grant is being used, in part, to integrate channels into Django core. According to Andrew Godwin, the author of Channels (and Django core committer), that code will be directed at “the next major release of Django”, 1.10. This means that using Channels would likely offer a clean upgrade path toward utilizing core Django functionality in future releases.
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