Importerror: cannot import name ‘_gi’ from partially initialized module ‘gi’ (most likely due to a circular import) (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/

The “ImportError: cannot import name ‘_gi’ from partially initialized module ‘gi'” error occurs when there is a circular import in the ‘gi’ module.
This error usually happens when two or more modules import each other, creating a circular dependency that cannot be resolved.

To fix this error, you should analyze your code and check for any circular import statements. Circular imports occur when two or more modules directly or indirectly depend on each other.
It is considered a bad practice to have circular imports as it can lead to unexpected behavior and make the code harder to maintain.

Here’s an example to demonstrate a circular import:

            import module_2
            def function_1():
                print("Function 1")
            import module_1
            def function_2():
                print("Function 2")
            import module_1

In this example, module_1 imports module_2, and module_2 imports module_1. This creates a circular dependency between the two modules.
When the program is run from the ‘’ file, it will cause the “ImportError: cannot import name ‘_gi’ from partially initialized module ‘gi'” error.

To resolve this error, you need to refactor your code to remove the circular import. One possible solution is to move the common functionality that both modules need into a separate module and import it in both modules rather than directly importing each other.
Here’s an updated version of the previous example:

            def shared_function():
                print("Shared Function")
            import common
            def function_1():
                print("Function 1")
            import common
            def function_2():
                print("Function 2")
            import module_1

In this updated example, the common functionality is moved to a separate module called ‘’. Both module_1 and module_2 import this common module instead of importing each other. This resolves the circular import issue and avoids the “ImportError” error.

Same cateogry post

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