[Django]-ImportError : cannot import name 'ugettext_lazy'


This error belongs to Django versions. If you want to use Django 4.* you need to find:

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

and change to:

from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

Happy Coding 🙂


Was just about to ask the version but the note (django 4.01) helped. ‘ugettext_lazy’ seems to be used by the app you are trying to use as well.

‘ugettext_lazy’ has been deprecated for django 3+ so you won’t be able to use that with a django version >= 3.


I also got the same issue while using django-hitcount


from hitcount.views import HitCountDetailView

class PostDetailView(HitCountDetailView):
model = Post
template_name = 'blog/post.html'
slug_field = "slug"
count_hit = True



One answer is ugettext_lazy has been removed in Django 4.0 57. Please use gettext_lazy instead

from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

I put this line of code in the views.py, and got the same error.


I strongly recommend to downgrade Django from "4.x.x" to "3.x.x" to solve your errors:

pip install django==3.*

Because Django 4.x.x is very new so some packages don’t catch up with Django 4.x.x. So, if you keep using Django 4.x.x, you will get the same or similar errors in the near future then you will spend a lot of time to solve these errors because of Django 4.x.x.

Actually, I got the same or similar errors when using "django-graphql-jwt", "graphene-django" and so on. Then, for some packages, I could solve such errors but for some packages, I could solve but new other errors occurred then, I couldn’t solve these new other errors.

Finally, I noticed I spent a lot of time to solve such errors because of Django 4.x.x. So again, I strongly recommend to downgrade Django from "4.x.x" to "3.x.x" to solve your errors:

pip install django==3.*


If you are using django 4.* versions, then you will have to replace "ugettext_lazy" with "gettext_lazy" in import statements where ever applicable.

In my case I was getting error "unable to import ‘ugettext_lazy’" even after this change. I had to upgrade "django-rest-passwordreset" from version 1.1.0 to 1.2.1 to fix the issue.

pip3 install django-rest-passwordreset==1.2.1.

Check for any dependent library similar to above which still uses the deprecated version and then upgrade it.


I have solved the problem by installing the django==3.2 instead of the latest version of Django.
But I`ll still check for the pypi update for the usage in the latest version of Django.


I fixed that by upgrade Django to 4.2.3, it worked perfectly.


You must install the django-admin-honeypot library like this:

pip install django-admin-honeypot-updated-2021

with that the problem is solved

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