[Vuejs]-Implementing Live Reloading for WordPress and Vue Development on Localhost


Using a proxy like this does work – but it causes everything to be proxied which is a bit extreme if all you want is live-reloading.

Browsersync has ‘snippet mode’ + ‘localOnly’ for this.

For example, you can run

browser-sync start --files 'app/**/*.php' --localOnly

Which will output the following in your terminal

$ browser-sync start --files 'app/**/*.php' --localOnly
[Browsersync] Copy the following snippet into your website, just before the closing </body> tag
<script async id="__bs_script__" src="http://localhost:3000/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.js?v=2.29.2"></script>

So, copy the HTML snippet into any PHP template or HTML file and you’ll get live-reloading etc


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