[Answer]-Image in template are not displayd


Change your MEDIA_URL like this:

MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

Then change upload_to parameter like this:

photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='images')

Add this to your urls.py:

from django.conf import settings
urlpatterns += patterns('',
    url(r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'show_indexes': True}),

Then access the uploaded image in your template like below:

<img src="{{ picture.photo.url }}">


Start by changing MEDIA_URL –

MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

Then change the upload_to parameter on your model

photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='images')

Add an images folder to your MEDIA_ROOT directory (I can’t tell where that is as I don’t know what your DIRNAME variable is)


Now you can display a photo in a template using –

{% your_object.photo.url %}

Don’t hard code url’s in your template –

<img class="preview_image" src="static/images/test_1.png" ale="photo" />

should be –

<img class="preview_image" src="{% your_object.photo.url %}" ale="photo" />

Have a look at the docs on ImageField and serving static files.

When you save your model (with a photo), the photo is uploaded to <MEDIA_ROOT>/<upload_to>. It’s then served up over http from http://localhost:8000/<MEDIA_URL>/<upload_to>. However since you’re saving your photo in a model, the database keeps a reference to the location of the file allowing you to load the image with <img src="{% object.photo.url %}">.

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