[Answered ]-If / else in Django View



you can override get_template_names, use cached_property for single query to the db

from django.utils.functional import cached_property

class RouteList(ListView):
    model = DailyRoute
    template_name = 'route_list.html'

    def stage_exist(self):
        return DailyRoute.objects.filter( stage = '1').exists()

    def get_queryset(self):
        if self.stage_exist:
            query_set = DailyRoute.objects.filter(owner=employer, stage = '1').order_by('route')
            query_set = DailyRoute.objects.none()
        return query_set

    def get_template_names(self):
        return ['template 1.html'] self.stage_exist else ['template 2.html']

and read all comments, they are useful

πŸ‘€Brown Bear


get_queryset() should return a QuerySet object, so the solution is to return an empty QuerySet, which you can do with the none() function.

So returning DailyRoute.objects.none() should do it for template 2.



If you’re sending nothing to the template, then you might as well use HttpResponseRedirect to redirect to template2 when condition is met.

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