Found the issue,
Tried to use onchange event method but the issue is still the same but when I looked in the radio tag I don’t have a name attribute set.
After adding the name attribute it finally solves the issue.
For now I don’t have any idea how the simple name attribute brakes my script.
<div class="cell large-6">
<ul class="product_category_selections">
{% graphql industry_list = 'get_homepage_industry_list' %}
{% for industry_item in industry_list.items.results %}
<input type="radio" name="selected_industry_name" id="{{ industry_item.id }}" value="{{ industry_item.id }}" v-model="selected_industry" /> {{ industry_item.properties.name }}
{% endfor %}
<input type="text" v-model="selected_industry" name="form[properties_attributes][industry]" />
screenshot: https://cbo.d.pr/ZWox9k