Make sure that you are using the desired python interpreter, that your virtualenv is setup correctly, and that the desired django-environ is installed within that virtualenv via
(inside venv) pip install django-environ
The problem could occur due to the following reasons:
- You are using. Virtual environment, but you installed module outside the virtual environment.
- You haven’t added ‘environ’, in your your settings.py file in INSTALLED_APPS.(based on its reference exceptionally not required for this package!)
- Yuglify compressor can't find binary from package installed through npm
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Make sure you have done the following three actions:
Install the package through this command:
(inside venv) pip install django-environ
Select the right python interpreter(the environment in which you have installed the package)
Create an ".env" file in project root directory.
And based on its reference doc here, it should be consisting of something like below:
- Uploading images using Django Admin?
- Return list of objects as dictionary with keys as the objects id with django rest framerwork
- What is the right way to use angular2 http requests with Django CSRF protection?
- Django- getting a list of foreign key objects
- How can I escape LaTeX special characters inside django templates?
In my case, I had one environ.py file that was clashing with the library import, changing the file name fixed the issue.
For Django there is another option that I use,
from os import getenv
from dotenv import load_dotenv
create a .env
file along with settings.py
then you have to load those variables. For example :
Install the module using
pip install python-dotenv
- Django : ProgrammingError: column "id" does not exist
- Django – Supervisor : exited too quickly
- Is there a way to set the id value of new Django objects to start at a certain value?