Html2pdf image not showing

html2pdf image not showing – Solution

When using html2pdf to generate PDF documents, sometimes you may encounter issues with images not being displayed in the converted PDF. This can happen due to various reasons, such as incorrect image paths, image loading delays, or unsupported image formats. Let’s discuss some possible solutions to resolve this problem.

1. Check image paths

Make sure the image paths in your HTML code are correct and accessible. Double-check the URLs or file paths of the images and ensure they are working correctly when opened in a web browser. If you are referencing images from external sources, ensure that the source is available and accessible to the html2pdf library.

2. Use absolute image paths

To avoid any image loading issues due to relative paths, it is recommended to use absolute paths for your images. Absolute paths provide the full URL or file path starting from the root directory, ensuring that the images can be loaded properly regardless of the current location of the HTML file or the PDF generator.

3. Handle image loading delays

Sometimes, images may not be loaded in time when generating a PDF, resulting in blank areas or broken image placeholders. To mitigate this issue, you can use the ‘onLoad’ event of the image element to delay the PDF generation until the image has fully loaded. You can achieve this by using JavaScript to trigger the PDF generation after all the images have finished loading.

4. Verify image format support

Ensure that the image format you are using is supported by the html2pdf library. Common image formats like JPEG, PNG, and GIF are generally supported, but specific libraries or configurations may have limitations or additional requirements. Refer to the html2pdf documentation or the library’s supported formats to confirm if the image format you are using is compatible.


Let’s consider an example where we have an HTML file with an image that is not displaying correctly in the generated PDF.

        <title>HTML2PDF Image Example</title>
        <h1>My Image</h1>
        <img src="images/my-image.jpg" alt="My Image">

To troubleshoot this issue:

  • Check that the image path ‘images/my-image.jpg’ is correct and the image file exists in the defined location.
  • Consider using an absolute path for the image source instead of a relative path.
  • Verify that the image format is supported by the html2pdf library.

Following these steps and addressing the potential causes of the image not showing should help resolve the issue. If the problem persists, make sure to consult the documentation or support resources of the html2pdf library to get specific troubleshooting guidance.

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