[Vuejs]-HTML 5 wait for drawImage to finish in a Vue SPA



I managed to get it working by properly wrapping the drawImage step in a separate method and inside a promise the proper way. See the code below for an example of two methods that were the culprits but are now fixed.

async composeCanvas( gif , timeStep , visibleLayers , delayInput) {
    const mapCnv = this.getMapCanvas();
    await this.updateInfoCanvas( timeStep )
    const numberVisibleLayers = visibleLayers.length;
    const composedCnv = await this.stitchCanvases( mapCnv , numberVisibleLayers );
    gif.addFrame(composedCnv, {copy:false, delay: delayInput});
async stitchCanvases( mapCanvas , numberVisibleLayers ) {
    return new Promise(( resolve ) => {
        var composedCnv = document.createElement('canvas');
        var ctx = composedCnv.getContext('2d');
        var ctx_w = mapCanvas.width;
        var ctx_h = mapCanvas.height + ((numberVisibleLayers - 1) * 30) + 40;
        composedCnv.width = ctx_w;
        composedCnv.height = ctx_h;

                cnv: mapCanvas,
                y: 0
                cnv: this.infoCanvas,
                y: mapCanvas.height
        ].forEach( ( n ) => {
            ctx.drawImage(n.cnv, 0, n.y, ctx_w, n.cnv.height);


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