[Answered ]-How to verify that at least one of several fields in a model are not blank


You need to overwrite the form’s clean method and assign an error message to a field. Here’s an example where all three fields get an error message if they are all blank, adapted from the Django docs:

from django import forms

class ArtworkForm(forms.Form):

    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(ArtWorkForm, self).clean()
        image_file = cleaned_data.get("image_file")
        video_file = cleaned_data.get("video_file")
        video_url = cleaned_data.get("video_url")

        if not (image_file or video_file or video_url):
            msg = "your error message."
            self.add_error('image_file', msg)
            self.add_error('video_file', msg)
            self.add_error('video_url', msg)

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