The problem is that imports now work slightly differently with Pillow vs PIL. The differences are described here: http://pillow.readthedocs.org/en/latest/porting-pil-to-pillow.html
Django has also now been changed to prefer Pillow over PIL, via this ticket (https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/19934)
This commit is present in the new Django 1.6a1 release, so the new behaviour will be present in the Django 1.6 release. For now, however, it appears that you can use a new library (initially released May 20, 2013) called Pillow-PIL which will provide a compatibility layer. This can be easily installed with pip via: pip install --pre Pillow-PIL
First, install pillow (having virtualenv activated preferably) with:
pip install pillow
You should import it in Django project:
from PIL import Image
After that you don’t need to change settings or anything else. All the modules should work.
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In a Python module that makes a drawing I simply put the following.
import PIL.Image as Image
and likewise for ImageDraw and ImageFont. Those were the only changes that were necessary after a routine PIP installation.
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You shouldn’t have to make any changes in your settings.py or otherwise to use Pillow instead of PIL. Its a drop-in replacement, and simply has to be available on your PYTHONPATH.
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