[Answered ]-How to use external python script in django views?



This is a common mistake because python 3 have stricter rules when it comes to relative imports.

I assume you have a structure like this.

β”œβ”€β”€ basics.py
└── views.py

.. where myapp is in the root of your project.

Let’s assume basics.py looks like this.

def do_stuff():

The ways you can import things from basic would then be (views.py)

from myapp import basics
from myapp.basics import do_stuff
from . import basics
from .basics import do_stuff

# View code ...

I assumed here that basics.py and views.py are located in the same package (app).

When you run a python project your current directory is added to the python path. You will either have to import all the way from the root of your project or use . to import from the local package/directory.

Also notice in the example that you can import the entire module or just single functions/objects. When importing the entire basics module you access it using basics.do_stuff() in the view.




import basics

than use all the functions you want πŸ™‚


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