[Answer]-How to use Django views and template tag simultanosly?


From the code you’ve posted something like below should work…

in views.py:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from netadmin.plugins.templatetags.widgets import render_widget

def ajax_render_data(request, object_id):
    return HttpResponse(render_widget(object_id))

in your django template:
(you said you want several of these on the page, so I’m going to use a loop in the django template, I don’t know what your widget collection is called but I’m sure you can work it out for your particular case)

<div class="widgets-container">
    {% for widget_settings in widgetsettings.objects.all %}
    <div class="widget-content" id="widget-content-{{ widget_settings.pk }}">
        not loaded yet
    {% endfor %}

// here we use django to render the ajax urls into an object
// in javascript so we can use it on the client side 
var ajax_urls = {
  {% for widget_settings in widgetsettings.objects.all %}
    "{{ widget_settings.pk }}: "{% url ajax_render_data widget_settings.pk %}"{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

// (I'll assume you're using jQuery)
// start the ajax calls when the page is loaded:

function loadWidgets() {
    // loop over the urls we provided from django:
    jQuery.each(ajax_urls, function(widget_id, url) {
        // do the ajax call:
        $.get(url, function(data) {
            // put the content into the widget div:

in urls.py:

urlpatterns += patterns('netadmin.plugins.ajax_view',
    url(r'^ajax/(?P<object_id>\d+)/$', 'ajax_render_data', name='ajax_render_data'),

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