[Answered ]-How to use Ajax(?) in Django to update an image from the server


  1. setup the server side end point to accept the post request
  2. read this ajax api from jquery


    method: "POST",
    url: "url/path/some",
    data: { name: "John", location: "Boston" }
.done(function( msg ) {
    alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );

url: is the end point in server side.

data: json data that goes on body request.

method: POST http protocol.

simply as that.

You can call this ajax after the user click on button to send the image


Using Ajax means you make asynchronous javascript calls to the server. This can be done via a javascript script in-page or a linked file. The script would call the GET method on your server url, which would return the changed data.

What you (probably) need is, every few time intervals,

  1. send a GET request to the server to check if there are any updates
  2. if the server responds with an affirmation, send another GET request to receive those updates
  3. update the elements with the updated information

There are two things you would need to develop here –

ONE: javascript code to send ajax requests and update elements (using jQuery since it’s of much help to make things easier)

/** attach to document load or ready state */
function update_stuff() {
    $.get('/server_url_check_updates/', function(data ,status) {
        if (data.has_updates === 'YES') {
            /** send request to get updated data */
            $.get('/server_url_get_updates/', function(data, status) {
                /** update your elements */
setTimeout(update_stuff, interval_in_seconds);

TWO. server code that handles GET requests

import json
import HttpRequest

# map to /server_url_check_updates/
def check_for_updates(request):
    # see if it's a GET request
    if request.GET:
        has_updates = True # True/False depending on updates
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({'has_updates': True, }),

# map to /server_url_get_updates/
def send_updates(request):
    if request.GET:
        # create dictionary of your objects
        dictionary_of_your_objects = {}
        data = json.dumps(dictionary_of_you_objects)
        # return them lumped together or as separate objects
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({'updates': data, }),

You can add additional code to check whether the GET requests are valid, use only one url for both functions (check the GET parameter to see what is being requested), etc. See the following links for more information on this:


javascript – ajax calls (w3schools)

jquery – ajax calls (w3schools)

jquery – GET (query)


django – request/response


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