[Vuejs]-How to update the props in vue when the grandchild file has send the succeed PUT request


Use an emit. Tell the parent component to update via another GET request or just pass the data back directly.

Child Method:

notifyParent () {

Parent Template:

<ChildComponent v-on:updateProfile="someMethod"/>

Parent Method:

someMethod () {
     //GET request or whatever

More details here: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html



The keyword here is eventBus, you need an eventBus to $emit an event changing the data in the parent component from the grandchild component. If you only need to change up the data 1 layer instead of 2 in this case, you only need custom event + $emit, without the eventBus. But as it’s greater than 2 layers, you need eventBus, or even more relegent ways to do state management.

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